
We are so grateful that you have clicked on this page with an interest in helping us either through prayer, financial support, or both!  We could not do the work God has called us to do without a “TEAM” coming along side us to help reach the youth of Spain. Greater Europe Mission is our mission sending board located in Wheaton, Illinois.  At the moment, our biggest need is for more to stand with us in regular support, whether that is monthly, quarterly, or annually. This will allow us to continue serving the camp. If you have been led to  support us, here are some different ways to help or get involved.


By Prayer

The Lord works through prayer bringing more people to know Him and helping us continue strong in the ministry and battle through the spiritual attacks of the enemy.  L’Arcada and the staff would not be able to do what they are doing without so many that faithfully join in prayer.


Recurring Donation

If you are supporting us monthly or would like to, this is the preferred way to set it up so that your bank automatically sends in your support and you don’t have to remember to mail it every month.

1. CLICK HERE to open up and print the form

2. Fill out the form, EFT Authorization (easiest with a minimal fee), Credit Card (3% processing fee). Check (no fee)

3. Include our name and account #04413

4. Mail the form to Greater Europe Mission at the PO address listed on the sidebar or below.

When our mission receives this form, they will setup the automatic transfer with your bank.


Donate Online

You can donate to us online through our mission organization, Greater Europe Mission.
By clicking the link above, you will be taken to the Bintz page on GEM’s website.


Donate By Mail

1. Make Checks payable to:  “Greater Europe Mission”

2. Never write directly on the check, but enclose a note indicating our account number #04413 and our name

3. Address:

Greater Europe Mission
P.O. Box 5224
Wheaton, IL  60189

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